The SKSR Board is composed of the elected officers and the appointed chairs of committees. Board meetings are held the second Thursday of each month beginning at 1 pm. except June, August, and December when no meetings are held. The meetings are held at the Edmonds SD ESC at 20430 68th Ave, W, Edmonds. All SKSR members are welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings. Usually in August a Planning Retreat is held for the next year at a location that will be announced. Please read the minutes under the dropdown buttons at the top of this page, which can be downloaded.
SKSR Board Members 2024-2025
President -- Vacant
Vice-President -- Cathy Webb -- 425-877-5753
Jan Phillips-- Secretary -- 425-743-5034
Jennifer Altena -- Treasurer -- 206-546-2556
Bulletin Mailing -- Vacant
E-Mail Distribution -- Vacant
Cheryl Bauer -- Scholarship Finance -- 425-743-9755
Barb Bumgardner -- Sunshine -- 206-364-8413
Jo Caldwell -- Bulletin Editor -- 425-218-8434
Deby Comfort -- Membership Records -- 425-652-0952
Linda Fitzgerald -- Scholarships -- 425-778-9549
Lynda Hughes -- Community Service -- 425-776-2346
Linda Lee -- Humanities Washington -- 206-546-1840
Keith Lindaas -- Scholarships -- 425-776-6576
Karen McElliott -- Active Member Grants -- 425-743-4583
Robin Randles -- Health Services -- 206-542-6428
Jim Siscel -- Membership, Retirement Planning, Website -- 425-778-7202
Don Denton -- Scholarship Finance -- 425-876-4338
Robin Randles -- Bulletin Folding Telephoning -- 206-542-6428
Dave Johnson -- Scholarship Finance -- 425 776-7298
You are welcome to review the meeting minutes from our SKSR Board Meetings. Under the Board button above are buttons for current and past minutes. Click on the appropriate minutes to view them in PDF format.