Slide shows of photos of presentations and how grants were used are at bottom of page
Cedar Way Elementary
Meghan Galvan: Imagine Children’s Museum’s “Creature Features,” an in-school presentation to enhance the science curriculum. (Kindergarten)
Kristi Pihl: A Rick Hartman workshop in which students apply engineering principles
to build rubber-band propelled boats. (1st/2nd grade)
College Place Middle
Amber Shelley: A floorball stick set. (P.E. specialist)
Hilltop Elementary
Matt Grover: Books for a fantasy genre study. (5th grade)
Lynndale Elementary
Julie Ledford: Two PhonicsQ sets for explicit phonics instruction and strengthening decoding skills. (Title 1/ReadingIntervention)
Lynnwood Elementary
Susan Sellers: An EZ net system for quick set up and take down in the cafeteria, a second- ary P.E. area. (P.E. specialist)
Seaview Elementary
Brian Kelly: Shelving and book bins for his classroom library. (1st grade)
Kathrine Lowery: 2 Finch 2.0 robots to enhance the science curriculum and provide a setting in which to practice a range of problem solving and collabora- tion skills. (4th grade)
Amy Rust: Sets of phonics books for students to practice their decoding skills. (Kindergar- ten)
Canyon Creek Elementary
Annie Hall: Ledge shelving for the library to display monthly collections, thematic units and new materials. (Librarian)
Ashley Schaefer: A set of Little Spot social and emotional books to use in teaching social skills. (2nd grade)
Woodmoor Elementary
Catherine Kennedy: Voice amplifiers for students with articulation and phonology issues. (PreK-5)
Briarcrest Elementary
Cindy Ebisu: Balance scales and metric weights for a math measurement unit. (3rd grade)
Michelle Holguin and Amy Pitts: Classroom licenses for IXL, an online math program. (2nd and 3rd grades)
Carrie Wandler: Sports and hobby books for the school library’s outdated arts and recre- ation section. (Librarian)
Brookside Elementary
Carrie Misener: A collection of graphic novels to encourage all readers, especially reluctant and struggling ones. (3rd grade)
Cascade K-8
Sheryl Yost: Multicultural books for her classroom library. (K/1st grade)
Echo Lake Elementary
Jean Bolivar: Read-aloud books that spark student conversations about race, identity and social justice. (Librarian)
Kelly Dillon & Karen Nicholson: Painting supplies to create kindness rocks for the school’s Kindness Week. (2nd grade)
Allison Hoover: Orange cones to create safe spaces and a wagon tote to transport PE Equipment. (PE)
Lake Forest Park
Kimberly Clasen, Riley Kreutzer, and Tami Thompson: Transportation for a science field trip to the Brightwater Sewage Treatment Plant to study the water cycle and conservation. (5th grade)
Britt Harris: Tickets and transportation for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades to attend a performance of Shorecrest’s production of The Lightning Thief. (Office Manager)
April Johnston: A workshop with Rick Hartman that applies a variety of science principles to building wooden toys. (2nd grade)
Frank Kleyn: Read-aloud picture books for beginning readers to teach self-awareness and self-management skills. (Librarian)
Rhonda Okazaki: High interest graphic books related to science topics. (4th grade)
Renee Iverson: Transportation for a field trip to St. Edwards Park to apply physics, magnetics, and engineering principles from science to the playground’s design. (3rd grade)
Kristin Mesler: Three boxes of Pacific NW Native American artifacts from the Burke Museum and a selection of complementary books. (3rd grade)
Heidi Alexander: Sensory items like stress balls and fidget blocks to help students de-stress and refocus. (Dean of Students)
Julie Anneberg: 10 portable lap/floor student desks to provide alternative seating options to meet a wider range of learning styles. (3rd grade)
Michelle Carroll: Books that highlight diverse cultural celebrations. These books will be added to themed book bins used each month. (Principal)
Chrisy Francescutti: Books that focus on Native American, Jewish American, and Muslim cultures. These books will be added to the books used for the school’s monthly focuses on cultural celebrations and observation. (Librarian)
Jenny Hodgen: Yoga ball chairs, stools, cushions, and lap desks to provide flexible classroom seating. (5th grade)
Marybeth Scherf: Whiteboards, whiteboard markers, and 4 sets of phonics-based decodable readers for older students. (3rd/4th grade split)
Cedar Way Elementary
Meghan Galvan: Imagine Children’s Museum’s “Creature Features,” an in-school presentation to enhance the science curriculum. (Kindergarten)
Kristi Pihl: A Rick Hartman workshop in which students apply engineering principles
to build rubber-band propelled boats. (1st/2nd grade)
College Place Middle
Amber Shelley: A floorball stick set. (P.E. specialist)
Hilltop Elementary
Matt Grover: Books for a fantasy genre study. (5th grade)
Lynndale Elementary
Julie Ledford: Two PhonicsQ sets for explicit phonics instruction and strengthening decoding skills. (Title 1/ReadingIntervention)
Lynnwood Elementary
Susan Sellers: An EZ net system for quick set up and take down in the cafeteria, a second- ary P.E. area. (P.E. specialist)
Seaview Elementary
Brian Kelly: Shelving and book bins for his classroom library. (1st grade)
Kathrine Lowery: 2 Finch 2.0 robots to enhance the science curriculum and provide a setting in which to practice a range of problem solving and collabora- tion skills. (4th grade)
Amy Rust: Sets of phonics books for students to practice their decoding skills. (Kindergar- ten)
Canyon Creek Elementary
Annie Hall: Ledge shelving for the library to display monthly collections, thematic units and new materials. (Librarian)
Ashley Schaefer: A set of Little Spot social and emotional books to use in teaching social skills. (2nd grade)
Woodmoor Elementary
Catherine Kennedy: Voice amplifiers for students with articulation and phonology issues. (PreK-5)
Briarcrest Elementary
Cindy Ebisu: Balance scales and metric weights for a math measurement unit. (3rd grade)
Michelle Holguin and Amy Pitts: Classroom licenses for IXL, an online math program. (2nd and 3rd grades)
Carrie Wandler: Sports and hobby books for the school library’s outdated arts and recre- ation section. (Librarian)
Brookside Elementary
Carrie Misener: A collection of graphic novels to encourage all readers, especially reluctant and struggling ones. (3rd grade)
Cascade K-8
Sheryl Yost: Multicultural books for her classroom library. (K/1st grade)
Echo Lake Elementary
Jean Bolivar: Read-aloud books that spark student conversations about race, identity and social justice. (Librarian)
Kelly Dillon & Karen Nicholson: Painting supplies to create kindness rocks for the school’s Kindness Week. (2nd grade)
Allison Hoover: Orange cones to create safe spaces and a wagon tote to transport PE Equipment. (PE)
Lake Forest Park
Kimberly Clasen, Riley Kreutzer, and Tami Thompson: Transportation for a science field trip to the Brightwater Sewage Treatment Plant to study the water cycle and conservation. (5th grade)
Britt Harris: Tickets and transportation for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades to attend a performance of Shorecrest’s production of The Lightning Thief. (Office Manager)
April Johnston: A workshop with Rick Hartman that applies a variety of science principles to building wooden toys. (2nd grade)
Frank Kleyn: Read-aloud picture books for beginning readers to teach self-awareness and self-management skills. (Librarian)
Rhonda Okazaki: High interest graphic books related to science topics. (4th grade)
Renee Iverson: Transportation for a field trip to St. Edwards Park to apply physics, magnetics, and engineering principles from science to the playground’s design. (3rd grade)
Kristin Mesler: Three boxes of Pacific NW Native American artifacts from the Burke Museum and a selection of complementary books. (3rd grade)
Heidi Alexander: Sensory items like stress balls and fidget blocks to help students de-stress and refocus. (Dean of Students)
Julie Anneberg: 10 portable lap/floor student desks to provide alternative seating options to meet a wider range of learning styles. (3rd grade)
Michelle Carroll: Books that highlight diverse cultural celebrations. These books will be added to themed book bins used each month. (Principal)
Chrisy Francescutti: Books that focus on Native American, Jewish American, and Muslim cultures. These books will be added to the books used for the school’s monthly focuses on cultural celebrations and observation. (Librarian)
Jenny Hodgen: Yoga ball chairs, stools, cushions, and lap desks to provide flexible classroom seating. (5th grade)
Marybeth Scherf: Whiteboards, whiteboard markers, and 4 sets of phonics-based decodable readers for older students. (3rd/4th grade split)